I know I haven't updated in a while. Truth be told, I am just tired and cranky and can't find anything fun to write about. Sophie and Jeff are still their same old entertaining selves- I just can't seem to remember any of the funny stuff they do or say at the moment! Lame of me, I know!
You might have seen on Facebook, the end of my pregnancy is proving to be eventful. First it was the pre-e scare, which thankfully came back as nothing. Of course, it means I collect 24 hours worth of my on pee in a jug I kept in my fridge for nothing, but who's counting?
Next came the extremely high blood sugar levels. Apparently, even though I passed my 28 weeks Gestational Diabete's test, some where between 28 weeks and 36 weeks I did develop it. The scary part about this is we haven't been monitoring me or the baby as closely or in the same manner we would have if it had been caught earlier. So from here til the end I am on the GD diet (I think the initials are a really good name for this diet during the holidays) and have to go to the dr twice weekly for non stress tests. Basically, I sit in a big comfy recliner and play on my phone for 20-30 minutes while a machine reads the baby's heart rate and I press a button whenever she moves.
In case you were wondering, yes- going to the dr twice a week sucks. I feel totally guilty about being out of work so much. My time is ticking to an end anyway so I hate constantly saying "Sorry I have to go to the dr" or "Sorry I won't be at that meetings bc I have a dr's appt". I also, in general, hate going to the dr that much. It is always the exact same. Pee in a cup? Check. Get on the scale and hid eyes? Check.Blood Pressure? Check. Baby moving ok? Check. Wait in a waiting room for the doc to come in and measure my belly and ask if I have any questions. Nope? OK see you in a few days..
During a conversation with Jeff about all this stuff going on we started talking about evolution and the miracle of the human body. If you think about it, how freaking awesome is it that 2 little tiny cells can meet and make an entire human? And that another human can be the host/incubator for this new human? And how cool is it that my body knows exactly what to do? From my belly expanding to my organs shifting to the baby turning when she needs to and labor- its crazy cool how it all sort of just happens.
This leads me to my 1 gripe. If all the rest of my organs can move and shift and make room for my growing baby why can't my freaking bladder get on board and move too? Why does the bladder have to be the stubborn organ that refuses to get out of the way? Years and years of evolution and the damn bladder sticks to his guns, refuses to move and in turn gets used as my baby's pillow which she likes to grind her head again causing momma great pains.
Thanks a lot bladder.
18 hours ago