Sorry I have been neglecting my blog but, you know, I did just have a baby.
Sadie is now 6 weeks old and I am back to work. Honestly, it feels good to get back in the groove of things. Maternity leave is great but there comes a point when you are just ready to get on with it. For me, 6 weeks was enough. I know there are many women who wish they could stay at home longer or even forever but I guess I am just not cut out to be a stay at home mother. In all honestly, I think my kids would drive me to drink if I had to stay home all day. I just can't do it.
I am sure it didn't help I had to go and have a winter baby. A time of year where venturing outside is not all that fun. Between the flu and colds going around to the disgusting weather, you are just as well off to stay in the house. Only its boring at home. All. Freaking. Day. There is only so much day time television you can watch. Only so many re-runs of Supernatural I can stomach (yes, even the remarkably good-looking Winchester brothers get boring after so long). 6 long weeks of being cooped up in the house with endless hours of feedings, diaper changes and spit up is all I can do.
I breathed a small breath of relief upon returning to work this morning.
All in all, I can say things are going well. Which is huge for me as it was not the case 3 weeks ago. 3 weeks ago I was thinking "What the hell have I done". 3 weeks ago I was breaking down and crying at least once a day. 3 weeks ago I didn't think I was going to make it. Sadie was crying what seemed like all the time and I was having a hard time coping with it all. I really thought I was loosing my mind.
At 5 weeks, I decided to make an appointment with my midwife to talk about what I was feeling. I suspected I had postpartum depression- which actually took me by surprise because I didn't have it at all with Sophie. I just knew I wasn't myself and I just couldn't deal. She prescribed me Zoloft and Vitamin D supplements and after a week I am feeling better. Plus, Sadie is a little old and her crying has lessened and we are getting into a groove with her as well.
So things today are going well.
I will say I was under prepared for how hard it would be to have 2 kids. I am still trying to find a good bedtime routine for when I have both girls on my own but lucky for me Sophie is such a good kid she can easily go with the flow.
18 hours ago