Thursday, June 28, 2012

Ewww... That's stinky!

This past weekend we had some great family time. Jeff happened to be home all weekend and since the girls are back on their schedules from our vacation Jeff and I weren't super stressed out. (Warning to the wise: taking 2 kids on vacation is less of a vacation than if you'd just have stayed home. Our next vacation will be a staycation where we still send the girls to daycare and Jeff and I spend a week in the baby pool on the deck!)

Anyway, we took Sophie to Orangeleaf after seeing Brave (totally recommend by the way). While there we decided to walk in to "The Bluegrass Barkery" which happened to be kind of cool and not what I was expecting. I picked up a new gentle leader collar for Jake and the woman who was running the store let Sophie pick out some free treats to take home to Jake.

While picking out the treat's with Jeff and this woman, Sophie loudly announces "My daddy farted!". I was in a different part of the store and starting cracking up. I couldn't help myself. Jeff of course defends himself and says he didn't.

Turns out he really didn't fart. Sophie farted and then blamed it on daddy. Which is pretty awesome, as long as you aren't the one she's blaming the fart on!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Whats New?

It been a while but we just got back from vacation! Jeff and I severely under estimated the amount of work it takes to have 2 kids, one of which is a baby, at the beach. Sophie was great, as is her usual but Sadie is going through a separation anxiety phase (and yes it is a phase, I looked it up) which translated for my non-mommy friends means she is attached to me all freaking day. As in, if she sees me or hears me and I am not holding her she screams bloody murder until I pick her up. Yesterday she worked her self up into a racking sob bc she had to sit on her own while I brought in the groceries.

In short, it's exhausting. Hopefully it passes soon!!

In other news, I taught Sophie the words to the chorus of "Call me maybe" only she says "call me baby". I want to catch it on video if I can. And when I tell her "easy killer" when she is getting rowdy she thinks I am saying "Easter Killer" and repeats it to me on occasion. So funny.

Lastly, we have a new addition in our family. She is wonderful but Jeff and Sophie hate her.

Show 'em off!