Monday, June 18, 2012

Whats New?

It been a while but we just got back from vacation! Jeff and I severely under estimated the amount of work it takes to have 2 kids, one of which is a baby, at the beach. Sophie was great, as is her usual but Sadie is going through a separation anxiety phase (and yes it is a phase, I looked it up) which translated for my non-mommy friends means she is attached to me all freaking day. As in, if she sees me or hears me and I am not holding her she screams bloody murder until I pick her up. Yesterday she worked her self up into a racking sob bc she had to sit on her own while I brought in the groceries.

In short, it's exhausting. Hopefully it passes soon!!

In other news, I taught Sophie the words to the chorus of "Call me maybe" only she says "call me baby". I want to catch it on video if I can. And when I tell her "easy killer" when she is getting rowdy she thinks I am saying "Easter Killer" and repeats it to me on occasion. So funny.

Lastly, we have a new addition in our family. She is wonderful but Jeff and Sophie hate her.

Show 'em off!

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