Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Sick Baby & The Draft

After, the majority of the year being healthy we finally got hit by a bug at our house. Sophie was the unfortunately recipient of said bug. Started out on Monday, when I picked her up from DC and she had a slight fever. No biggy- probably just teeth right?

Well, Tuesday morning she woke up screaming and hotter than a whore in hell. I brought her in bed with me around 6 30 and wasn't able to get up to get ready for work until Jeff got home right around 7. We dosed her with Motrin and around 10 30 Jeff too her to daycare because she didnt have a fever (I would like to note, I did not think this was a good idea).

So at 2:30, I am not surprised to see daycare's number pop up on my caller id. Sophie's sick. We need to come get her. Gotcha. I leave work to pick her up and get home with her around 3. We sit patiently (sort of) on the couch for Jeff to call and say he is on his way home. I still have to go back to work. He finally gets home at 4 and I head back into work. I get there around 4:30.

Now, I am sure my boss was wondering what the heck I was doing back there since I usually leave at 5 for the day. Well, because it is Draft Day. Yep, I have wait for this day for weeks now and I was not going to miss out on picking my perfect team for my first year of Fantasy Football.
Fantasy Football

So yes- in short- I left my sick child at home with my very capable husband, just so I could go fight it out from some guys in spandex pants. Does that make me a bad mom?

By the way- Sophie woke up free and clear from her fever this morning.

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