Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Price I Pay

Through a series of events over the last week and a half, I have been completely slacking in my wifely duties. Now before you get up in arms, my husband and I do share the household responsibilities pretty evenly. I, however, think I am better at cleaning, cooking and laundry so I usually take care of those. Of course, they haven't been done in about 2 weeks so the pile up was crazy.

My loving husband decided he would help me out yesterday with out me even asking him to because he knows how much pressure and stress I have been under the last few weeks. I love him for even taking the initiative. I know a lot of men wouldn't.

That being said, he just doesn't have the same laundry skill set I do. And I am not even picky. I don't care if he throws everything in together and uses the cold wash. It is the drying that gets me. I don't dry most of my clothes. I just don't. But he doesn't know this.

Yes, he did pick out the sweaters and dress pants and bras to line dry- so I do have to give him a lot of credit for even that. But some of my fitted shirts got tossed in the dryer. I hope they still fit the same way.

washing machine dryer
 And before you ask, no I didn't mention this to him. I am definitely not going to correct his laundry skills when 1-if I wanted it done a certain way I should have kept up with it on my own and 2-I would never correct him for helping me because what would that do? Make him less likely to help again later.

So I am holding my tongue and praying my shirts still fit and being thankful that I have a husband willing to help and willing to do so with out me nagging him!

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