Monday, June 27, 2011

Big Girl Beds

Some of you may have seen on Facebook that Jeff and I have recently moved Sophie to her big girl bed. We made sure to make the proper big deal out of this to make sure she knew this was HUGE! And she loves it. It has been about 2 weeks since we made the move and she has yet to get out of her big girl bed in the middle of the night.

On top of that, our bedtime routine is so much faster. She lays down, we read a story, then it is kisses and hugs, a quick tuck in and out the door. The first few days, she would lay in there and call out to us. She wouldn't get up and she wouldn't cry. She would just yell "Momma! Daddy!"

But now- oh now! Now, she is completely quiet. She knows when we leave it is sleepy time and she just drifts off.

Oh and she has only fallen out of bed the fist night.

An added bonus I was not counting on- she won't get out of bed in the mornings until we go in and tell her she can get up. LOVE! Jeff tried to explain to her that she could get up in the mornings and play with her toys, thinking we might get a little extra sleep that way. But to me the 15 minutes we would get (maybe get) wouldn't be worth the risk that she would get up at 5 and think she could get up for the day. I quickly pointed out the err in his ways. So we are letting it go as she needs us to tell her she can get out of bed. Score!

Oh course, one issue this did bring up is where she would sleep when we visit my parents. I highly doubted she would go back to the crib all night so we tried putting the crib mattress on the floor in the guest room. Well the ended up with her sleeping in the big bed with me. Not fun. I am pretty sure it was the worst night of sleep I have had in a LONG time. I am also convinced that Sprout is going to come out with indention's in his head and bruises on his body from how much Sophie kicked him during our night together. She also liked to bury her head in my armpit to sleep. Fun!

One bonus of the night before I go- she woke up at 7am (her normal time) and told me she had to pee. It was still dark thanks to the thunderstorm so I told her we could go pee and then we had to come back to bed because it was still night time. The little bugger feel back asleep until close to 9!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Guess the Baby Heard Her

At my first doctors appt, my midwife and I had a long talk about weight gain. OK so it wasn't really that long. More like:

Nancy: How much did you gain with Sophie
Me: 55 pounds
Nancy: We would like to see you stay at 20 this time. I know you can do it!

55 pounds. That is a lot of freaking weight to pack on. I really and truly dedicated to doing better this time. One such way is continuing to go to the gym.

Well, I am guess my unborn Sprout (as I have decided to name him- and no before you ask, I don't know the sex but I get tired of the he/she) heard Nancy and took what she said to heart.

Not only have I had terrible morning sickness this time around, causing numerous food aversions (more aversions than food that sounds good) and some fun go-rounds with the porcelain throne- I also got violently ill this weekend.

Dr at the ER said it was probably food poisoning- not sure where I picked it up but it was crappy. 12 hours of vomiting, keeping nothing at all down- trying to make it through the day. Finally, at 7:30 I decided I couldn't handle it and I called Jeff crying. He got his dad and step-mom to come sit with Sophie and my brother-in-law took me to the ER. Barb, my stepmom-in-law, joined us up there a little later after Sophie was settled in bed. They stayed with me until close to midnight and even offered to stay the night. God bless 'em!

I did get an ultrasound to check on Sprout and he looks great. Growing just as he should. Michael, my bro-in-law, even got to see Sprout squirming on the screen!

Today, I am back at work and I can tell my pants are looser. My appetite isn't fully back yet either but I am drinking a lot.

I am 14 weeks today and still very comfortably in my regular pants.

I am interested to see the scale on Thursday.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

No Mommy- Stand Up!

Potty training is such a fun adventure. And I don't mean that sarcastically. I think it is fun to watch her figure out the potty, how to use it, how to do the whole thing on her own.

Our current adventure is graduating from the training potty to the big potty. I am VERY excited for this because it means I don't have to clean out the little potty any more! Woot woot!

So the other day, Sophie goes in to go to the bathroom to pee. I go in and check on her after a while and I find her covered in pee. Her clothes are wet, the step stool is wet, her legs are wet. I figured she just had an accident so I cleaned it up and we went on our way.

The next time she had to pee I went in with her. I help her with her pants and sit her on the seat. She gets up and says "No Mommy. Me stand!" Well now, I know how she got all wet last time.

I had to explain to her that little girls have to sit down to pee.

I should probably warn daycare about this new development too.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Allergy Update

I can't believe I didn't do this sooner. In my defense, there isn't a lot to update. We saw the specialist who decided not to do the big bad tests on Sophie at this point. She said at this point it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack.Sophie hadn't been exposed to anything new that we could pinpoint and it is only being a one time hive breakout there is a good likelihood it was a fluke. We don't even have to discuss going back to the specialist unless Sophie breaks out again.

The specialist did tell us an interesting fact: Over half of the population will break out in hives over something they ate at least once in there lives and the majority will never have a repeat outbreak.

So, we just wait. Since our appt Sophie has had fish, shrimp, ketchup and plenty of SPF so hopefully the good Doc was right and hers was a one time thing.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The things they don't tell you

When you are browsing through that "Do you want to become a parent?" brochure you should know- there are things that brochure leaves out about being a parent. Things that you can't even imagine dealing with until you become a parent and the situation is upon you.

A few for me so far: sneaking off and eating dog food, sneaking off and eat cat foods, not so sneakily eating sand, floaters in the bath tub, infant poops that go all the way up their backs, putting anything and everything in their mouth, constantly playing with themselves (yes even girls do this one at some point), etc. The list goes on and on.

This morning I encountered one I had not had to deal with before (and honestly hoped I never would). Around 7:20 I heard Sophie in her room playing. I go in to get her and I am instantly enveloped in the stench of Poo. This is pretty odd in it's self because Sophie hasn't pooped over night or in a diaper in quite some time.

I go over to her and we do out normal routine where she pretends to be asleep and I tickle her and bounce her bed to try to get her to wake up. Finally, she looks up at me and says "Poo poo, Mama!" I say "I know you pooped. I can smell it."

Then it happened- she reached out her hand to give me sometime. Not really thinking, I take it. I examine it because her light was still off.

She handed me a TURD!!!!!!!

She had reached down her pants, pulled out her turd and was playing with it. It took all I had not to puke all over her bed. I flush the turd, wash her hands 3 times, cut her nails (cause it was underneath) and make her wash her hands again. Then I went on a mad search to see if there were more turds in the bed.

What a great morning!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Baby Again?

Well I guess it is official. We will be adding another baby to our family late Dec! I held off posting about it only because of our miscarriage just a few short months ago. However, I feel good and I am far enough along to share the good news. I have been slowly telling people the news in an attempt to get it out there before it hits Facebook. And I feel fairly confident it will hit Facebook. Everyone is so excited and since I am pretty much connected to everyone I know through the wonderful world of social media I would be willing to bet some well meaning person eventually comes to congratulate me on my wall with out checking to see if I have broke the news my self.

I do want to share how I found out as I am sure it will be something I want to remember in the future and since this blog is mainly for me to look back on my life I am going to add it.

I had my miscarriage in March. It hurts and I was devastated by it when it happened but surprisingly I did not take as long as I thought to recover. Maybe it was because of how early on I was. Maybe because I felt something was off from the beginning so I braced myself for it. I am not sure, but I do know I was fortunately enough to be able to move past it.

After the miscarriage, I decided if I wasn't going to be pregnant I was going to get in shape and rock a bikini this summer. Something I haven't done since before Sophie was born. I joined a gym and started hitting it hard. 4 times a week of 40 minute cardio, strict 1500 calorie diet (more like 1200-1300 most days), and the ab ripper or Jillian Michaels 30 day shred at home when I could (about twice a week). It was working too. I lost 5 pounds the first month.

About 5 weeks after the miscarriage, I realized I should be due for a period soon. I didn't worry too much about it because I didn't know how long it would take my body to get back in the groove of things plus I had added in a reduced diet and a lot of exercise my body wasn't used to so I figured I had just thrown things off.

6 weeks after the miscarriage and STILL no period. Finally, I decide I probably should take a test. I bought 2 from the dollar store. The first one was faulty (great!) and the second one showed positive right away. Holy Shit Balls. I call Jeff and tell him. At this point, we are both say we are worried that maybe I didn't miscarry all the way and maybe something is wrong (we both admit to each other later we BOTH had a feeling this was a new viable pregnancy, weird how that happens).

I call my dr and they want to see me right away. My miscarriage was very recent and they had found a cyst on my ovary. I get scheduled to have blood work done on that Wednesday with a repeat blood work on Friday followed by a dr appt with my Dr. I do the blood work on Wednesday and the nurse calls and said based on my blood work they think this is a new pregnancy and that I am 5 weeks along! They still want me to get repeat blood work on Friday but the dr didn't need to see me until the next week when I would be 6 weeks along. Wow, that was a lot to absorb while at work.

I go in the next week, still holding my breath for bad news. I see the dr and get an ultrasound to confirm how far along I am (since I had no period they couldn't go that). I get the word everything looks great! And thus begins my journey into this pregnancy.

I am now 11 weeks along and some odd days and I am feeling good!. So far I have actually lost 2 more pounds (thanks Morning Sickness) and I have been able to keep going to the gym, though not as much as I would like.

Here's hoping for a happy and healthy 9 months!