Friday, July 29, 2011

Pregnancy Cravings or Indulgence

I think I have mentioned before that I am part of an online community for mothers.Now that I am pregnant again I am on a board with other expecting mothers. I frequently see posts about cravings and "must be pregnant because I am eating XYZ"

I always have the same question: is it really a "craving" or is it an indulgence? I, being pregnant, do understand cravings. They come on strong and you just think it sounds so good! I had one not to long ago which Jeff won't let me live down: Pickles and spray cheese. Yes, together.

NOTE: I did not indulge this craving. It was too weird, even for pregnancy.

I also see a lot of woman say things like "I won't deny a craving" and it leads me to the same place.

What is a craving and what is an indulgence? Cake for breakfast: indulgence. Pickles and Ice Cream: Craving.

Maybe it is just me or maybe it is just me THIS time around but I couldn't imagine giving into to every little thing I want to eat. Been there, done that (remember the "Milkshake Month"? with Sophie? I do).

There really is no point to this post. It just amuses me that pregnant women seem to have this mentality of "It's a craving and therefore ok to eat" instead of calling a spade a spade and saying "I love BBQ potato chips so I am going to use my pregnancy as an excuse to eat the whole bag in one sitting".

And no- I didn't eat the whole bag in one sitting, I spanned it out to about a week.


  1. My Child Development professor told us that the whole "eating for two" thing is bogus. Especially early on, because let's face it, something the size of a sesame seed does not need another bowl of ice cream.

  2. But it's totally ok if momma needs it. Just admit it is you that wants more ice cream!

    I think in the first trimester you don't need any additional calories, in the second it is like 150 and in the 3rd it is 300.
