Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Where are my house shoes?

Jeff text me this morning to ask me where his house shoes were. Because, you know, I AM the keeper of HIS house shoes. Really, it is common knowledge I wear his over sized, worn down house shoes all the time- NOT.

I called him to ask him specifically why he thought I would know this sort of information. Did I wear them last? Apparently, the answer is I "move his shit all the time". By move, I am going to guess he means put away. In it's proper spot. Heathen, I am.

So I asked him where he looked for them. Duh, in the shoe basket and the closet. Wait- you already looked in the ONLY 2 places I "move" things too? Again I ask, why would you think I had any idea where there were if the 2 places you already checked are the 2 places I would have put them?

So I tell him the only other place I could think they might be in under the bed. I suggest this place because knowing my husband as well as I do, I know he probably took them off next to the bed and since he hasn't had a need for them in a while they probably got shoved up underneath it.

Ta-da! They are there! Instead of a thank you though, I got "You probably put them there on purpose". What gratitude!

The funny part is he even admitted that the sensible place for his house shoes to be is next to the bed wear he could take them off at night and put them back on when he wakes up. Still, it was I who purposely shoved his shoes under the bed just to fuck with him.

File:Julie Andrews as Mary Poppins.jpg

In completely un-house shoe related news, Sophie got to watch "Mary Poppins" for the first time this weekend. Honestly, I didn't hold out much hope of her watching the whole things since it isn't a brightly animated cartoon with an onslaught of funny characters. Much to my surprised, she watched the entire movie! It's like a 2.5 hour movie too! The best was at the end though- as Mary Poppins in flying away with her umbrella Sophie asks me "where she going?". I told her Mary Poppins was flying away.

Oh the tears. Never have I seen the likes! She bawled and howled "Marry Popppppiiiinnnnssss!!!!" She was so upset. I tried to calm her down, explain to her it was just a movie and then finally, I put the movie back on to show her Mary Poppins could come back. She sat and watched the whole movie a second time.

1 comment:

  1. I am dying laughing. We just had this same ordeal. Brian says he could find things before he moved in with me. Apparently folding clothes and organizing them makes them hard to find? Our fight was over Mallory's sleep sack. He bothered me at work because he couldn't find it. God forbid I keep it in one of her TWO drawers folded neatly next to her other sleep sacks and pjs. I make it so hard on the man.
