Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Do you ever just want something so bad, you willing to take the time to make it no matter what time it is and no matter how long it takes?

I get like that a lot when it comes to baked goods. I genuinely love baking. It relaxes me. I love creating the perfect cupcake and taking the time to frosting it with the right tip. I love creating caramel on the stove, evening out my cakes, layering them, icing them so no crumbs show through. I love when the things I bake not only turn out delicious but also are visually pleasing.

Baking is much, much different than cooking. I love cooking too. I love using fresh ingredients and making a meal from scratch my family will enjoy- but baking is something else entirely.

Last night (well really the last few days) I have had a craving for Tres Leches Cake. It is a Spanish 3 milk cake and is amazing. Dense cake which is soaked over night in a 3 milk sauce- I am getting hungry just thinking about it. The recipe I linked is my favorite because of the added recipe for Dulce de Leche (or sweet milk sauce). It is like the Spanish version of a caramel sauce.

Now, you can buy Dulce de Leche in the store and I am told by my Soul Sister it is decent but the recipe for it is so simple, I thought "why not just make it". After all, I had all the ingredients. It didn't even require anything more than a sauce pan, a wooden spoon and a blender.

I have tried to make this before, unsuccessfully. It would have been successful but I was impatient and didn't let it cook long enough so it remained very milky. Which was fine because I only had 2 of the 3 milks handy and I used the Dulce de Leche as the third milk.

This time I was determined to get it right. I measured out my ingrediants, put them in the pan and let it cook. Then I got distracted. Next thing I know I am running to the stove where my milk is boiling OVER the pan and Sophie is asking me "Whats wrong mommy?" as a let out muttered curses.

I cleaned up the mess and put the pot back on the burner to continue the cooking, stirring occasionally this time. After 50 minutes, it is still milk like. By this time it is time to get Sophie into bed. Given the state of Dulce de Leche I thought I had plenty of cook time ahead of me. I get Sophies PJ's on, we throw the bones for the dogs and before I read to her, I check on it once more. Still fine.

I finish bedtime and as I am walking out of Sophies door the smell hits me. I rush to the stove and there is my Dulce de Leche- completely burnt. I got to tell you, it hurt. All that time I spent cooking it and it was burnt bad- stinking up my whole house.

This is what it should have looked like. It didn't.

I sigh, scrap it into the garabe and resign myself to the fact I have to make and eat my Tres Leches Cake sans the warm caramel sauce. I go to get my ingrediants out and what do I find? I only have 1 eggs left. The recipe calls for 6.

Damn the cursed luck!

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