Last night, as we were getting ready for bed, Sophie announced SHE was going to put on her own diaper. Interested to see how exactly she was going to accomplish this I told her to go ahead.
Funniest thing I had seen in a long time. I wish I had my camera! It was this greatly awkward waddle dance she was doing in a circle while holding the diaper between her legs (sideways, might I add) and looking down at it like "What's next". I let her do it for a few minutes before she handed it back to me and said "You do it, Mommy"
Speaking of dancing: the dress battle is continuing. Sophie now can not, like physically impossible, for her to do the Hot Dog Dance with out a dress on. The minute the music starts, if she is still in her PJ's, she will run at me all frantic and say "Dress! Mommy!".
22 hours ago
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